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ESS Editorial Service System

Technical partners of Dià Cultura Foundation, they began their activities in 1996 as a publishing house specialized in archaeological publications pertinent to ancient Rome and the Roman world. Their most renowned periodical is the monthly archaeological magazine Forma Urbis.

It collaborates with Dià Cultura Foundation to the realization of RomArchè. Fair of Archaeological Publishing precisely trough its top product.
Among their publications there is the book series Anthropology and Archaeology compared, result of the scientific conventions held in 2010 and 2011 at Ediarchè.

Via di Torre S.Anastasia, 61 E/H | 00134 | Roma 
T. +39 06.710561 | F. +39 06. 710561230 | 


System Graphic

System Graphic Srl – operative since 1976 – has opened as commercial typo-lithography, with excellent skills in terms of experience and knowledge of printing.

Since 1980’, in response to the radical changes later on observed in the sector, the society started to consistently invest in new technologies and in the creation of printing’s complementary elements, developing – first in Rome – internal design and developments skills in the field of computer science applied to graphic design.

Today this twenty-year long evolution process makes them capable to offer to their clients a number of services such as typographic,  digital and photolithography printing, development of specialized software applications, design of multimedia works and websites, logistics and distribution. 



Via di Torre S.Anastasia, 61 E/H | 00134 | Roma 
T. +39 06.710561 | F. +39 06. 710561230 |



Branch of the International Olympic Committee (CIO), is the authority for discipline, regulation and management of  national sports activities.
The Italian National Olympic Committee, public entity devoted to the organization and development of national sports, promotes the maximal diffusion of sport practices.

CONI, after the last modification to the norms, D.L January 8th 2004 (n.15), became the Confederation of the Sports Federations and of the Associate Disciplines. Funded, permanently, on June 9th and 10th 1914 in Rome, today CONI is present in 102 provinces and 19 Regions, recognizes 45 National Sport Federations, 19 Associate Disciplines, 14 Entities for the National Sport Promotion and 1 territorial, 20 Meritorious Association.
his entities  include 95.000 Sport Associations for a total of about 11 million members (Istat and Censis data)   



           Piazza Lauro De Bosis, 15
           00135 - Roma
           T. +39 0636851


Assessorato Cultura e Turismo di Roma Capitale

The Cultural Department is responsible for programming, activities’ promotion, distribution of services in the field of culture and entertainment.

The services provided are particularly concerned with: the issuing of authorizations to places of public entertainment, the issuing of the authorizations for film and photo shooting, the release of viability permits by the Municipal Commission of Supervision for Public Establishments for Entertainment, the provision of funding for cultural projects and shows through the issuance of Public Notices, “toponomastic” services related to the allocation of house numbers and denomination circulation areas, consultation of documents and deeds and the release of copies at the Capitoline ‘s Historical Archives.

Furthermore the department directly manages the following cultural spaces: Casa dei Teatri, Casa della Memoria e della Storia, Casa delle Letterature, Casa del Ricordo, Nuovo Cinema Aquila, Sala Santa Rita, Casa del Cinema.

It coordinates the activities of the system “Casa dei Teatri” and of the Contemporary Drama that comprises: Teatro Biblioteca Quarticciolo, Teatro Tor Bella Monaca, Teatro del Lido di Ostia, Teatro Villa Pamphilj, Scuderie Villino Corsini, Teatro Elsa Morante, Teatro di Villa Torlonia.
It superintends to the activities of Rome’s Library Institution. It contributes to the programming of the main city’s institutions: Auditorium Parco della Musica, Accademia S.Cecilia, Teatro di Roma, Teatro dell’Opera di Roma, Cinema per Roma, Palaexpò (Palazzo Esposizioni e Scuderie del Quirinale) Fondazione Romaeuropa.

       Piazza Campitelli, 7
       00186 - Roma
       T +39 67104811 


Guardia di Finanza - Tutela Patrimonio Artistico e Archeologico

Guardia di Finanza, through the Group for the “Archaeological Heritage Safeguard” of the Nucleo Polizia Tributaria of Roma, works directly to contrast the illegal trafficking of archaeological artefacts and artworks, to monitor the “antiques market”, and to verify the possible sale of “items” not tradable by law.

The archaeological researches, of exclusive competence of the Ministry for the Cultural Heritage, are conducted by the territorial archaeological office in charge. This latter can anyway issue an excavation concession to public and private subjects. The illegal archaeological excavation are criminally sanctioned.




               Via Raffaele Costi, 777/81
               00155 - Roma
               T. + 39 225991 

The International Association for Classical Archaeology (AIAC) associates institutions and scholars from different countries for the international cooperation in the field of Classical Archaeology.

AIAC, founded in Rome in 1945, manages Fasti Online (, an international database of archaeological excavations; it also organizes periodical meetings in Rome for scholarship holders and PhD students in Classical Archaeology coming from different countries, every five years it coordinates the International Convention of Classical Archaeology.


The Italian School of Archaeology of Athens, was founded with royal decree only in 1909 but was preceded by a long preliminary phase, that occupies the years between 1884 and 1908, a period during which they conducted many research activities that led to the discoveries of Festòs, Haghia Triada, Priniàs, Gortyna, Antro Ideo, Axòs, Lebena, Kamares, Arkades, to cite only the most famous ones.

The Gruppo Storico Romano is a non profit cultural association founded in 1994 inspired by the passion for the ancient Rome. A group of friends, all sharing the same interest, decided to start this adventure and as its foundation day thay chose a symbolic date: April 21st, day of foundation of the Eternal City.

After almost two decades of activity the growth of the Association has been remarkable.

Today the Gruppo Storico Romano stands out in the world of ancient Rome re-enacting and it is unanimously recognized as one of the leader groups in Italy and in the world.
The association’s objectives are to promote, organize and support the diffusion of cultural, recreational and artistic events related to the world of ancient Rome, to keep alive the ancient splendor of its culture, but also, to represent a meeting point for all the enthusiasts that revolve around the world of ancient Rome and that, becoming members, constitute its beating heart. 


From more than ten years the staff of works successfully in the field of entertainment and historical re-enacting capitalizing on the experience deriving from their different backgrounds: from theatre to television, from technical skills in the field of performance to marketing and online communication, and lastly the insurance field.

The inspiration, fantasy and technical skills allowed them to build effective, captivating and exciting ideas and solutions as the great performances of the unforgotten Trigallia Celtic Festival, or the design for multisensory exhibitions, or again the laboratories and the “museum in the theatre” project, all events aimed to obtain a result in line with the quality of the offer of