RomArché. Archaeology speaks, previously known as RomArché. Fair of Archaeological Publishing, is a cultural event dedicated to archaeology held in May, each year hosted by a different cultural institution in Rome. The event is organized by Dià Cultura Foundation, with the support of Siaed, a company leader in the market of IT for banking and public administration, and the typography System Garphics s.r.l, partner of the event since its first edition.
Our aim is to create a privileged networking occasion among publishers, professionals of the cultural sector, institutions (private and public), museums, universities, research centers, companies specialized in archaeology and cultural tourism, cultural associations, giving them a chance to present their activities with dedicated events inside the general program, that each year includes also a scientific conference. RomArché’s public is not only composed by professors, archaeologists and, more in general, professionals but also by a diverse audience of enthusiasts.
Dià Cultura Foundation
Founded in 2012 at the initiative of the IT company Siaed – we design and realize cultural activities aimed at valorise the Italian archaeological, artistic and anthropological heritage, also bringing back the experience from the past into the contemporary cultural debate.
Our research activities are focused on the experimentation of new forms of cultural and scientific communication, closer to the contemporary language, strongly participative and characterized by a conscious use of the new technologies; particularly in the field of archaeology, history and anthropology we try to drive the interaction between methods and contents. Our publications aim to disseminate culture, supporting the research and contributing to the creationof networking occasions for scholars and experts, all under the guidance of a scientific committee formed by young professors and researchers and in collaboration with universities, public institutions, research institutes, both national and international.
Via della Maglianella, 65 E/H | 00166 | Roma
T. +39 06.66990.234/385 | F. 06.66990.422 | | - See more at:
Forma Urbis
Siaed SpA
Via della Maglianella, 65 E/H | 00166 | Roma
T. +39 06.66990.1 | - See more at:
Linea editoriale, progetto scientifico e veste grafica
Fondazione Dià Cultura
Amministrazione e segreteria
E.S.S. | Via di Torre S. Anastasia, 61 | 00134 | Roma T. +39 06.710561 | F. 06.71056230