Photography Exibition

Italian version


The exhibition “Boni e il Genio. La nascita della fotografia aerea archeologica” was curate by Laura Castrianni, Elisa Cella and Patrizia Fortini and promoted by the Italian Confederation of Archaeologists – CIA. The show has also been the occasion of involvementand awarding of the winners of the archaeological photography contest “communicate archaeology”.

Archaeological aerial photography was bornat the beginning of the XIXth century thatks to the collaboration between two institutions: the Regia Soprintendenza alle Antichità of Rome and the Brigata Specialisti del 3° Reggimento del Genio Militare.

Giacomo Boni, then director of the Forum and Palatine’s archaeological excavations, with general Maurizio Mauro Moris were the first one to realize, from the basket of a drachen, the first shots of the Forum’s square, to integrate the research material that already comprised ground reliefs.

The activities of the balloonists, specialized in aerial shooting, found an application exactly in the most renowned Italian archaeological areas: principal subject, followed in its constant mutation over a time period of 10 years, was the Roman Forum and the Palatine, but the first balloon shots were also taken over the ancient cities of Ostia, Pompei and Altino.