Experimental Archaeology

Italian version


The last two days of RomArché 2013 were dedicated to experimental archaeology: the “experimental” archaeologists and the professional experimenters, have explained to the audience theories and hypothesis on metals extraction and manufacturing, painting and weaving techniques used by ancient societies qith practical demonstrations, strictly scientific.

Lab. 1 – Weaving

Born from a human natural need, weaving represents, since ancient times, one of the most important activities in the female universe.

The practice of weave in warp and weft animal and vegetal fibres represents a physical need and at the same time a form of expression. Models, colours and ornaments determine age, social status, position and identity. An apparently simple activity becomes a didactical laboratory, open to visitors, that trough the use of small table looms can express their own creativity.

Lab. 2 – Vase painting

The study of black and red figures’ vase painting, of the browns used in the paint, of the decoration techniques and, above all, of the times and ways of cooking it, has eased the comprehension of the technical process, increasing the artistic value of the ancient vases.

The live demonstration, held by an important master from Tarquinia, is offered for the curiosity of visitors that can in this way appreciate the technical capacities and the difficulties related to such an ancient art.

Bronze melting

Metal’s conquest constituted for men the passage to a new form of social, artistic and artisanal expression.

The knowledge of the most ancient metal extraction and manufacturing techniques, obtained thanks to archaeological investigations, scientific research and experimentations, is constantly enriched by new data that fuel the curiosity of amateurs.

Assist to the live realization of a bronze object following the ancient techniques constitutes, today as yesterday, an extremely exciting experience.

A practical demonstration of how the bronze was melted and how beautiful artistic objects were then created is, indeed, offered to the eyes of the audience.